5 Signs That It's Time For A Nonprofit Messaging Guide

I organized a live virtual fundraiser a few years ago. Before the pandemic, this was rare—and I felt a tad over my head. I teamed up with a virtual fundraiser specialist, and the very first thing he walked me through was creating a story-based messaging guide to drive the campaign.

I cannot tell you how crucial this step ended up being. Instead of sending event reminders and goal updates for four weeks, the entire campaign was story-led. Our nonprofit was not the star of the show—it was the incredible girls we serve. And our innovative solutions and impact were crystal clear.  

Raise your hand if you're really busy. Wearing all the hats? Putting out a few fires?

I see you. I preach prioritizing just a few purpose-driven marketing activities that bring you closer to reaching your current goals. Here are a few times when creating a messaging guide should be at the top of your to-do list:

  1. You're wrapping up a strategic planning or visioning process. Sharing your new vision with the world will go much smoother when you have it outlined in a way that guides your communications.

  2. Your team is growing. When you're doing everything for your organization, it's pretty easy to tell your stories and articulate your mission and vision. Handing messaging to a new marketing or fundraising staff member can be daunting. This is the time to pull the magic out of your head, put it all on paper, and pass the torch. 

  3. Your staff talks about your nonprofit differently based on their role in the organization. We need to remember that our staff are in the weeds of their work and may need to be equipped to communicate your organization's mission, greater vision, or even what its other arms and services are. If this is the case, bring a few people to the table to create your nonprofit messaging guide. What a vibrant guide it will be!

  4. Your services are changing. Is your work different from when you started? Well, congrats! You're likely evolving to reach an even greater need. A messaging guide will help you communicate your current why. There is a common thread that weaves together your range of services, and a core messaging process will help you find that thread. 

  5. You have a campaign coming up. This may be fundraising, advocacy, issue awareness, or anything you want to shout from the rooftops. You know, strategically. A campaign messaging guide isn't more work—it's something you're going to refer to and copy and paste from on the regular. It will be the most beloved document in your google drive.

So here's your action step. If it is time to create a messaging guide, block out two days to focus on it this month.

Maria BryanComment