Take a Nonprofit Sabbatical

Marketing can be overwhelming, and so is working in the nonprofit sector.

You have permission to press pause. Taking a break is always better than burning out.

In the Thrive Activator, my marketing training for nonprofits, it's actually a prerequisite to pause marketing activities for that week. It shows busy leaders that nothing will fall to pieces if they're silent for a little while.

It creates space to dig deep into your analytics, figure out what's working and what's not, what to do more of, and what to nix altogether.

Or even to just rest and reset.

In March, I started to feel it. Feeling let down by the challenges, meh about the dreamy opportunities, and in a creative slump. I decided to schedule four one-week-long sabbaticals into my 2022 calendar. No meetings, consultations, teaching, or client work. I'm taking email and social media apps off my phone.

I'm going off the grid!

I'll be reading all those branding and marketing books collecting dust, catching up on inspiring business podcasts, and dreaming and visioning without jotting down to-do lists.

In the nonprofit sector, it feels like it will collapse if we don't keep running as fast as possible. But it will be fine – I bet it will be in your favor.

When's the last time you pressed pause? Can you fit in a few sabbaticals this year to rest and reset?

More important question: what should I read and listen to on my April sabbatical?

Maria BryanComment